At the very core of our business, lies the creation of journeys that leave an impact on people. This is our design concept.

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Impact, our design concept

When we talk about impact as our design concept, we think further than just the environmental aspect of travelling. What we want to offer people, is a journey of a lifetime that leaves a lasting impact on their being. Whether it be because of the places we've taken them, the things that they've done or the people they've met — we want to create a positive impact.

People that make an impact

We can not talk about our journeys, without recognising all the amazing people that facilitate for them to be possible. Whether it be the first interaction with Trude the Travel Curator or Lindis from BesteBakken — they all help shape & form the journeys we provide.

Places that make an impact

We allow people to visit majestic places that they otherwise might not have gotten the chance to, and we should remind ourselves of the ambition that all places should meet. They should make a positive impact on our guests, but our guests should always make a positive impact on these places as well. We have a responsibility to ensure that these places thrive under the added activity that we cause.

Experiences that make an impact

Minimal Impact — Maximum Experience

Given the current state of society and our planet, we must acknowledge the responsibility we have to minimize our footprint on the places we invite people into. We must always act responsibly when making decisions on behalf of our clients. Our design concept is a constant reminder that all our actions, impact the planet.

Our Brand Story

We curate meaningful experiences by mindfully matching discerning travelers with our remarkable local partners. Our recipe is simple but profound: passionate travel insiders guiding you from dream to reality, through our personalised digital tools. This has allowed us to cultivate the idea of ​​independent travel, and made us Norway's number one travel curator.

Our local expertise and sustainable approach provides a journey like no other. An escape from everyday life. We want to expose you to our stunning nature, put you in touch with our countrymen, serve up our local cuisine, and show off our vibrant culture. We want to tell the story of what has shaped our successful, happy society based on trust and equality.

We use technology to enhance our personalised service, not replace it. Our digital enquiry helps us envisage your dream experience. Adding the insight and expertise of our inside curators we customise the journey to your specific needs and unravel hidden gems that will exceed your expectations.

Your full journey will be available in our Digital Travel Guide, with maps specifically tailored for your experience, every phone number you may need, and the entire detailed itinerary. All in the palm of your hand. And if you need us on the way we are only a chat or phone call away, warmly available 24/7!